
Sovereign Electronics

This project, comissioned by Blockstream to promote their Satellite Kits, quickly became one of my favorites. We decided to bring Blockstream into the NoGood universe and imagined Sovereign Electronics as a highly specialised electronics store, owned by a retired marine who acts as a father figure and moral compass for the crew. The shop is a chaotic mess but he can find even the most obscure parts for their experiments.

Sovereign Electronics shopkeeper illustration Sovereign Electronics inventory poster Sovereign Electronics signage illustration

The original sketches highlighted the shop and it's tough-looking owner, and NoGood crew members trying out their new Blockstream hardware. Some of the sketches were finalised and used in the campaign, others were saved for later campaigns.

Sovereign Electronics shopkeeper sketch Sovereign Electronics crew sketch

We planned to expand the project, and to use Sovereign Electronics as a starting point to showcase various other Blockstream products. Unfortunately that never happened, but I fell in love with the concept and have been working on it ever since. You'll see the Sovereign Electronics logo in many of my illustrations. There are stickers and zines, and you can even get employee t-shirts in the shop.

Sovereign Electronics employee shirt

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